Major events of Indian and world history, freedom movements, important milestones in Indian and world history.
Physical geography, countries, and capitals, natural resources, and environmental problems.
Indian Constitution, Parliament, government schemes, and rights of citizens.
Economic terminology, national income, and other important schemes related to economics.
Science and Technology
General science, invention, and recent technology.
Current Affairs
Concentrate on current news from the government scheme, politics, sports, awards, and progress in science and technology.
2. Child Development and Nutrition
Early Childhood Development
Stages of development in children, milestones, and growth indicators.
Nutrition and Health
Importance of nutrition for infants and children, key nutrients, vaccination schedules, and growth monitoring.
ICDS and its Importance
Overview of the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) program and its objectives.
Common Childhood Diseases
Preventive measures, signs, and curative measures adopted for common illness in children
Child Protection
Child rights; child welfare oriented legislations along with safety protocols of children through Anganwadi centers.
3. General Hindi/Regional Language
Synonyms, antonyms, and meaning of frequently used words.
Sentence structure, parts of speech, tenses, and punctuation.
Short passages followed by questions to test understanding.
Translation of simple sentences in Hindi/Regional language to English and vice versa.
4. General Arithmetic
Arithmetic Number System
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations.
Percentages and Averages
Percentage calculations, profit-loss calculations, and averages.
Simple Interest
Simple interest formula and simple interest calculations.
Time and Work
Time, work, and efficiency type problems.
Unitary calculations for length, weight, and volume.
5. Anganwadi Worker/Helper Specific Topics
Responsibilities of Anganwadi Workers
The duties of Anganwadi workers, which include child education, nutrition, and health monitoring.
Teaching Methods for Children
Approaches for teaching children at Anganwadi centers, including early childhood education techniques.
Community Outreach and Family Welfare
Public contact with different communities, dissemination of information pertaining to health, hygiene, etc., and development of family welfare programs
6. Health and Sanitation
Personal Hygiene
The importance of hygiene, handwashing, sanitation, and standards for hygiene.
Public Health
Disease awareness, preventive health care, and health education for mothers and children.
First Aid
First aid skills in minor injury and emergency.
7. Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability
Puzzles and Analogies
Pattern-based problems and analogies.
Series Completion
The right pattern or sequence.
Direction Sense
Problems based on movement and directions.
Different ways of decoding.
Venn Diagrams and Blood Relations
Problems related to Venn diagrams and relationships. providesLatest Sarkari Naukri (All the Latest Govt Jobs Like SSC, Railway, Bank, UPSC, Police, Army, Anganwadi Teaching, Airforce, Navy other Government Recruitments), Sarkari Jobs, Sarkari Results, Government Jobs notifications, Latest Vacancy, Latest Govt Jobs Recruitment updates, Admit Cards, Results DailyVideo Jobs Updatesarealsoprovided on YouTube so Subscribe Now TechSingh123 study channel