Haryana Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2023 HSSC भर्ती हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग भर्ती HSSC Vacancy 2021 HSSC Recruitment 2021 Haryana Staff Selection Commission Vacancy 2021 HSSC Bharti 2021 हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग (Haryana Staff Selection Commission) ने Male Constable/Female Constable के 7298 पदों पर भर्ती के लिए आवेदन मांगे हैं।
Haryana Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2023

इन पदों के लिए सभी उम्मीदवारों से निवेदन है की हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग भर्ती के लिए आवेदन करने से पहले सभी आवश्यक जानकारियाँ पढ़ लें उसके बाद ही आवेदन करें।
Vacancies & Eligibility Criteria (रिक्तियां और पात्रता):-
विभाग का नाम (Department Name):- | हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग भर्ती |
पदों की संख्या (Number of Post):- | 7298 पद |
पदों का नाम (Name of Posts):- | Male Constable/Female Constable |
शैक्षिक योग्यता (Qualification):- | 12th Pass |
State Wise Govt Jobs:- | Click Here |
Category Wise Govt Jobs:- | Click Here |
राष्ट्रीयता (Nationality):- | उम्मीदवार भारत का नागरिक होना चाहिए |
Address:- | Haryana Power Generation Corporation Limited, Panchkula, Haryana 134151 |
नोट :- कृपया अधिक सटीक जानकारी के लिए इस नौकरी के लिए प्रकाशित आधिकारिक Haryana Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2021-2022 HSSC भर्ती हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग भर्ती HSSC Vacancy 2021 HSSC Recruitment 2021 Haryana Staff Selection Commission Vacancy 2021 HSSC Bharti 2021 Notification जरूर देखें।
Important Dates (महत्वपूर्ण दिनांक):-
- नौकरी प्रकाशित होने की तिथि: 01-01-2021
- शुल्क जमा करने की अंतिम तिथि 13- 02-2021
- आवेदन करने के लिए अंतिम तिथि: 10-02-2021
Age Limit & Relaxation (आयु सीमा):-
उम्मीदवार की आयु 18 – 25 वर्ष के अंदर होनी चाहिए। कृपया आयु में छूट एवं अन्य जानकारियों के लिए प्रकाशित Haryana Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2021-2022 HSSC भर्ती हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग भर्ती HSSC Vacancy 2021 HSSC Recruitment 2021 Haryana Staff Selection Commission Vacancy 2021 HSSC Bharti 2021 नोटिफिकेशन देखिये।
Salary Details (सैलरी कितनी मिलेगी):-
वेतनमान Rs.21700-69100 – Level-3 रहेगा, कृपया सैलरी संबंधित अधिक जानकारी के लिए Haryana Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2021-2022 HSSC भर्ती हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग भर्ती HSSC Vacancy 2021 HSSC Recruitment 2021 Haryana Staff Selection Commission Vacancy 2021 HSSC Bharti 2021 Notification जरूर चेक करें l
Selection Process (चयन प्रक्रिया):-
इस Govt Job में Exam & फिजिकल टेस्ट में प्रदर्शन के अनुसार कैंडिडेट का सिलेक्शन होगा, चयन प्रक्रिया की सम्पूर्ण जानकारी के लिए नीचे Official Haryana Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2021-2022 HSSC भर्ती हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग भर्ती HSSC Vacancy 2021 HSSC Recruitment 2021 Haryana Staff Selection Commission Vacancy 2021 HSSC Bharti 2021 Notification जरूर चेक करें।
Job Responsibilities (काम जिम्मेदारियों):-
आवश्यक शैक्षणिक योग्यता की स्कैन की गई कॉपी यानी मैट्रिकुलेशन सर्टिफिकेट जिसमें जन्मतिथि और अन्य प्रासंगिक विवरण होते हैं।
2. सक्षम प्राधिकारी द्वारा जारी हरियाणा अधिवास प्रमाण पत्र के साथ एससी / बीसीए / बीसीबी / ईडब्ल्यूएस / ईएसएम / डीएसएम / डीएफएफ प्रमाण पत्र की स्कैन की गई कॉपी।
3. सक्षम-प्राधिकारी द्वारा जारी हरियाणा अधिवास प्रमाण पत्र के साथ सामाजिक-आर्थिक मानदंडों और अनुभव के तहत वेटेज / अंकों का दावा करने वाले प्रमाण पत्र की स्कैन की गई कॉपी।
4. कैंडीडेट द्वारा विधिवत हस्ताक्षरित फोटो।
5. उम्मीदवार के स्कैन किए गए हस्ताक्षर।
6. उच्च योग्यता, अनुभव आदि दिखाते हुए सभी दस्तावेजों की स्कैन की गई कॉपी, जिसके आधार पर उम्मीदवार दावा करते हैं। 7. दस्तावेजों की जांच: – कटऑफ तिथि से पहले जारी किए गए केवल उन दस्तावेजों को, जो उम्मीदवारों द्वारा अपलोड किए गए हैं, पर विचार किया जाएगा। यदि जांच की गई उम्मीदवारी के समय अपलोड किए गए और बनाए गए दस्तावेज़ में कोई भिन्नता है, तो उसे रद्द करने के लिए उत्तरदायी होगा। यदि कोई भी आवेदन अपेक्षित दस्तावेजों और अन्य प्रासंगिक सूचनाओं को अपलोड किए बिना पाया जाता है, तो उम्मीदवार स्वयं / उसके लिए स्वयं जिम्मेदार होंगे और उचित / सही दस्तावेजों / जानकारी के अभाव में उसकी उम्मीदवारी रद्द कर दी जाएगी।
How to Apply? (आवेदन कैसे करें?):-
इच्छुक उम्मीदवार Online आवेदन कर सकते हैं, पुलिस विभाग के ग्रुप सी के 7298 पदों के लिए सीधी भर्ती के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन आमंत्रित किए गए हैं, जिनका उल्लेख यूआई पते के माध्यम से अनुच्छेद 2.1 के तहत किया गया है। रात 11.59 बजे तक इसके बाद वेबसाइट लिंक अक्षम हो जाएगा।
बी) महत्वपूर्ण नोट: 1. उम्मीदवारों को सलाह दी जाती है कि वे अपने आवेदन पत्र को ध्यान से भरें जैसे कि नाम, पिता / माता का नाम, जन्म तिथि और श्रेणी, योग्यता, अंक, उत्तीर्ण वर्ष, फोटो, हस्ताक्षर, विवरण और शुल्क, आदि आवेदन पत्र जमा करने के बाद हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग द्वारा ऑनलाइन आवेदन पत्र पर किसी विशेष परिवर्तन के लिए कोई अनुरोध नहीं किया जाएगा।
2. आवेदन पत्र को अंतिम रूप से जमा करने के बाद, किसी भी परिवर्तन की अनुमति नहीं दी जाएगी। अभ्यर्थी आवेदन पत्र के डेटा और उसके द्वारा भुगतान की गई फीस के किसी भी गलती के लिए जिम्मेदार होगा। 3. यदि उम्मीदवार को लगता है कि उसने गलत तरीके से फॉर्म भरा है, तो उसे अंतिम तिथि से पहले एक नया ऑनलाइन आवेदन पत्र भरना होगा।
सी) आवेदन पत्र भरने के लिए विशेष निर्देश: 1. ऑनलाइन आवेदन URL पते यानी http://adv42020.hryssc.in/StaticPages/HomePage.aspx का उपयोग करके भरा जा सकता है। 2. किसी आवेदन की स्वीकृति या अस्वीकृति, उम्मीदवारों की पात्रता / उपयुक्तता, चयन के लिए मोड और मानदंड आदि से संबंधित सभी मामलों में आयोग का निर्णय अंतिम और उम्मीदवारों पर बाध्यकारी होगा। इस संबंध में कोई जांच या पत्राचार नहीं किया जाएगा।
एक पद के लिए आवेदन करने वाले उम्मीदवारों को यह सुनिश्चित करना होगा कि वे आवेदन की अंतिम तिथि पर सभी पात्रता शर्त भौतिक मानकों को पूरा करें। ए। यदि नियुक्ति तक आवेदन पत्र जमा करने से शुरू होने वाले किसी भी चरण में सत्यापन पर, यह पाया जाता है कि कोई भी उम्मीदवार पात्रता की किसी भी शर्त को पूरा नहीं करता है या यह पाया जाता है कि सुसज्जित जानकारी गलत है या गलत है, उसकी उम्मीदवारी रद्द कर दी जाएगी और वह भी आपराधिक मुकदमा चलाने के लिए उत्तरदायी होगा।
यह इस बात पर ध्यान दिए बिना है कि क्या उम्मीदवार को उसके आवेदन में गलत या गलत जानकारी प्रस्तुत करके लाभान्वित किया गया था। बी उम्मीदवारों की शॉर्टलिस्टिंग ऑनलाइन आवेदन पत्र में भरे गए विवरणों के आधार पर की जाएगी, जिसके लिए उन्हें सहायक दस्तावेजों को जोड़ना / अपलोड करना होगा। दो में भिन्नता के मामले में, उम्मीदवारी रद्द कर दिया जाएगा।
4. एक उम्मीदवार चाहे वह जनरल या आरक्षित श्रेणी का हो। SC, BCA, BCB, EWS, ESM / DESM या DFF किसी विशेष श्रेणी के विज्ञापन के लिए केवल एक ऑनलाइन आवेदन पत्र जमा कर सकते हैं। उम्मीदवार को केवल उसी श्रेणी के खिलाफ माना जाएगा जिसके खिलाफ उसने आवेदन किया था और दिखाई दिया था।
हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग Bays No. 67-70, Sector-2, पंचकूला – 1341515। हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग अपलोड किए गए दस्तावेजों के मूल रूप से आवेदन पत्र की मूल प्रति और मूल प्रमाण पत्र की फोटोकॉपी के साथ व्यक्तिगत रूप से किसी भी उम्मीदवार को कॉल करने का अधिकार सुरक्षित रखता है। फोटो, पहचान प्रमाण अर्थात् पहचान पत्र / ड्राइविंग लाइसेंस / पासपोर्ट / वोटर कार्ड / पैन कार्ड / आधार कार्ड आदि के साथ प्रमाणित प्रमाण पत्र। इसके लिए नीचे दिए गए आवेदन लिंक पर क्लिक करें, कृपया आवेदन करने से पहले ऑफीशियल Haryana Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2021-2022 HSSC भर्ती हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग भर्ती HSSC Vacancy 2021 HSSC Recruitment 2021 Haryana Staff Selection Commission Vacancy 2021 HSSC Bharti 2021 Notification जरूर चेक करें।
Application Fees (आवेदन फीस):-
Gen/OBC/EWS: 350/- & SC/ST: 250/-, कृपया आवेदन फीस की सम्पूर्ण जानकारी के लिए जानकारियों के लिए प्रकाशित ऑफिशियल Haryana Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2021-2022 HSSC भर्ती हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग भर्ती HSSC Vacancy 2021 HSSC Recruitment 2021 Haryana Staff Selection Commission Vacancy 2021 HSSC Bharti 2021 Notification जरूर चेक करें।
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कृपया, इस Haryana Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2021-2022 HSSC भर्ती हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग भर्ती HSSC Vacancy 2021 HSSC Recruitment 2021 Haryana Staff Selection Commission Vacancy 2021 HSSC Bharti 2021 के जानकारी को अपने दोस्तों और साथ ही साथ अपने भाई-बहनों के साथ भी शेयर करें। एवं उनकी हेल्प करें एवं अन्य सरकारी भर्तियों (Sarkari Naukari), की जानकारी के लिए TechSingh123.com पर प्रतिदिन विजिट करें।
महत्वपूर्ण लिंक (Important Links):–
Official Notification (ऑफिशियल नोटिफिकेशन) | Click Here |
Apply Now (आवेदन करें):- | Click Here |
सरकारी नौकरी डेली अपडेट हेतु टेलीग्राम ग्रुप फॉलो करें | जॉइन टेलीग्राम |
सरकारी नौकरी डेली अपडेट हेतु Facebook ग्रुप फॉलो करें | जॉइन Facebook ग्रुप |
Official Website (ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट) | Click Here |
Note: आप सभी से निवेदन है कि इस जॉब लिंक को अपने दोस्तों को Whatsapp ग्रुप, फेसबुक या अन्य सोशल नेटवर्क पर अधिक से अधिक शेयर करें l आप के एक Share से किसी का फायदा हो सकता है l तो अधिक से अधिक लोगो तक Share करें l हर रोज इस वेबसाइट पर आप सभी को, सभी प्रकार की सरकारी नौकरी की जानकारी दिया जाता है। तो आप सभी प्रकार के Sarkari Naukri की जानकारी पाना चाहते हैं l तो इस TechSingh123.com वेबसाइट के साथ हमेशा जुड़े रहे हैं और यहां पर Daily Visit करें।
FAQ – HSSC भर्ती
Q1. HSSC भर्ती के लिए कितनी रिक्तियां जारी की जाती हैं?
Ans. हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग (Haryana Staff Selection Commission) ने Male Constable/Female Constable के 7298 पदों पर भर्ती के लिए आवेदन मांगे हैं।
Q2. HSSC भर्ती का वेतन मान क्या है?
Ans. वेतनमान Rs.21700-69100 – Level-3 रहेगा, कृपया सैलरी संबंधित अधिक जानकारी के लिए Haryana Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2021-2022 HSSC भर्ती हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग भर्ती HSSC Vacancy 2021 HSSC Recruitment 2021 Haryana Staff Selection Commission Vacancy 2021 HSSC Bharti 2021 Notification जरूर चेक करें l
Q3. HSSC भर्ती के लिए चयन प्रक्रिया क्या है?
Ans. इस Govt Job में Exam & फिजिकल टेस्ट में प्रदर्शन के अनुसार कैंडिडेट का सिलेक्शन होगा, चयन प्रक्रिया की सम्पूर्ण जानकारी के लिए नीचे Official Haryana Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2021-2022 HSSC भर्ती हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग भर्ती HSSC Vacancy 2021 HSSC Recruitment 2021 Haryana Staff Selection Commission Vacancy 2021 HSSC Bharti 2021 Notification जरूर चेक करें।
Q4. HSSC भर्ती के लिए आवेदन करने की आयु सीमा क्या है?
Ans. उम्मीदवार की आयु 18 – 25 वर्ष के अंदर होनी चाहिए। कृपया आयु में छूट एवं अन्य जानकारियों के लिए प्रकाशित Haryana Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2021-2022 HSSC भर्ती हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग भर्ती HSSC Vacancy 2021 HSSC Recruitment 2021 Haryana Staff Selection Commission Vacancy 2021 HSSC Bharti 2021 नोटिफिकेशन देखिये।
Q5. HSSC भर्ती के लिए आवेदन कैसे करें?
Ans. इसके लिए नीचे दिए गए आवेदन लिंक पर क्लिक करें, कृपया आवेदन करने से पहले ऑफीशियल Haryana Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2021-2022 HSSC भर्ती हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग भर्ती HSSC Vacancy 2021 HSSC Recruitment 2021 Haryana Staff Selection Commission Vacancy 2021 HSSC Bharti 2021 Notification जरूर चेक करें।
Tags: Haryana Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2021-2022 HSSC भर्ती हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग भर्ती HSSC Vacancy 2021 HSSC Recruitment 2021 Haryana Staff Selection Commission Vacancy 2021 HSSC Bharti 2021 Haryana Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2021-2022 HSSC भर्ती हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग भर्ती HSSC Vacancy 2021 HSSC Recruitment 2021 Haryana Staff Selection Commission Vacancy 2021 HSSC Bharti 2021 Haryana Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2021-2022 HSSC भर्ती हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग भर्ती HSSC Vacancy 2021 HSSC Recruitment 2021 Haryana Staff Selection Commission Vacancy 2021 HSSC Bharti 2021 Haryana Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2021-2022 HSSC भर्ती हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग भर्ती HSSC Vacancy 2021 HSSC Recruitment 2021 Haryana Staff Selection Commission Vacancy 2021 HSSC Bharti 2021
🎯शिक्षक भर्ती लिस्ट: https://bit.ly/2EO3JPq 🎯सभी राज्य भर्ती: https://bit.ly/2F35f0c 🎯Bank Job list: https://bit.ly/2QQazGT 🎯रेलवे भर्ती लिस्ट: https://bit.ly/2QR66n4 🎯SSC भर्ती लिस्ट: https://bit.ly/3gUB88h 🎯आंगनवाड़ी भर्ती लिस्ट: https://bit.ly/355j09G 🎯पुलिस & सेना भर्ती लिस्ट: https://bit.ly/2QUUCPK 🌐Telegram: https://t.me/techsingh123 | 🎯8वीं पास All India बंपर भर्ती- https://ift.tt/3evqh3P 🎯10वी पास All India बंपर भर्ती- https://ift.tt/36OyJc0 🎯12वी पास All India बंपर भर्ती- https://ift.tt/2AnTRtb 🎯ITI पास All India बंपर भर्ती– https://ift.tt/2Ma6AlZ 🎯Diploma पास All India बंपर भर्ती- https://ift.tt/2Bc5qUR 🎯Graduate पास All India बंपर भर्ती- https://ift.tt/2ZObehF 🎯B.E/B.Tech पास All India बंपर भर्ती- https://ift.tt/36Lp8m3 🎯PG पास All India बंपर भर्ती- https://ift.tt/2ZNRx9N |
Haryana Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2021-2022 HSSC भर्ती हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग भर्ती HSSC Vacancy 2021 HSSC Recruitment 2021 Haryana Staff Selection Commission Vacancy 2021 HSSC Bharti 2021 हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग (Haryana Staff Selection Commission) ने Instructor, Store Keeper, Librarian, and Various के 3206 पदों पर भर्ती के लिए आवेदन मांगे हैं।
Haryana Staff Selection Commission
HSSC (Haryana Staff Selection Commission) is inviting eligible candidates to apply online for 3206 posts of Instructor, Store Keeper, Librarian, and Various.
Haryana Staff Selection Commission Interested and Eligible Candidates may apply online after making sure that they meet the concerned eligibility criteria. All personal and educational details must be mentioned properly.
रिक्तियां और पात्रता मापदंड:-
Post | Vacancy | Age | Qualification | Pay |
Surveyor Instructor (Theory) | 2 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Architecture/ Civil/ Survey and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Architecture/Architectural Assistant/Civil/Syrvey and 2 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Forger & Heat Treater (Black Smith)Instructor | 1 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or equivalent in Metallurgical/ Mechanical anmd one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or equivalent in Metallurgical/ Mechanical and 2 years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Librarian | 45 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Library Science and Two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Turner Instructor | 93 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Mechanical / Production/ Industrial Engineering and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Mechanical/ Production /Industrial and two years experience | Rs 35400 |
Welder (Gas & Electric) Instructor | 38 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Fitter Instructor | 144 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Mechanical/ Production/ Industrial/ Fabrication Engineering and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Mechanical/ Production/ Industrial/ Fabrication and 2 years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Employability Skill Instructor | 114 | 17 – 42 yrs | MBA | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Surveyor Instructor Practical | 1 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Computer Instructor | 59 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering/ Information Technology or its equivalent AND one year experience OR ‘A’ level certificate from DOEACC and two years experience OR B’ level certificate from DOEACC and one year experience OR M.Sc Computer/ M.Sc Computer Application/ M.Sc Information Technology/ M.Sc Software/MCA OR Three years Diploma in Computer Application/ Engineering or its equivalent and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Posts Mechanical Refrigerator and Air Condition Instructor, Theory | 68 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Mechanical/Electrical/Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Mechanical/ Electrical/ Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Workshop Calculation & Science Instructor | 224 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering/ Technology or its equivalent in Electrical/ Mechanical and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Electrical /Mechanical amd two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Engineering Drawing Instructor | 227 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering/ Technology or its equivalent in Electrical/ Mechanical and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Electrical /Mechanical and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Plumber Instructor, Theory | 58 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Architecture/ Civil and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Architecture/ Civil and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Foundry Man (Moulder) Instructor (Theory) | 2 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Metallurgical/Mechanical and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Metallurgical/ Mechanical and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Architectural Assistant Instructor, Theory | 3 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Architecture and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Architecture and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Carpenter Instructor, Practical | 14 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Architecture/Civil and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Architecture/Civil and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Wireman Instructor, Theory | 47 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Electrical and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Electrical and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Storekeeper | 112 | 17 – 42 yrs | bachelor degree in Business Administration or Commerce or bachelor degree in Arts with Math/ Economics with minimum 55% marks and One years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Mill wright Mechanic (Electrical/Electronic) Instructor | 18 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Electrical/Mechatronics/ Electronics and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Electrical/ Mechatronics / Electronics and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Machinist Instructor, Practical | 8 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Mill wright Mechanic (Mechanical) Instructor, Theory | 43 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Mechanical/Mechatronics/Instrumentation and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Mechanical/Mechatronics/Instrumentation and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Group Instructor/ Apprenticeship Supervisor/Senior Technical Assistant/ Junior apprenticeship and Placement Officer | 132 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Civil/ Mechanical / Production/ Architecture/Computer /Electrical /Electronics /Instrumentation /Automobile /Industrial Engineering/Technology or its equivalent and Two year experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Electrician Instructor Theory | 143 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Electrical and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Electrical and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Apprenticeship Instructor | 38 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Mechanical/Electrical/Electronics /Production / Automobiles and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Mechanical/ Electrical/Electronics /Production / Automobiles and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Turner Instructor Practical | 51 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Welder (Gas & Electric) Instructor Theory | 123 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Mechanical/ Metallurgical /Production/Fabrication/ Welding and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Mechanical/ Metallurgical/ Production/ Fabrication/ Welding and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Architectural Assistant Instructor Practical | 6 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Mechanic Electronic Instructor Theory | 44 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Electronics/Electronics & Communications and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Electronics/Electronics & Communications and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Fitter Instructor Practical | 89 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Computer Operator Programming Assistant Instructor (Theory) | 31 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering/ Information Technology or its equivalent and one year experience OR ‘A’ level certificate from DOEACC and two years experience OR B’ level certificate from DOEACC and one year experience OR M.Sc Computer/ M.Sc Computer Application/ M.Sc Information Technology/ M.Sc Software/MCA OR Three years Diploma in Computer Application/ Engineering or its equivalent and 2 years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Plastic Processing Operator Instructor (Practical) | 2 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Mechanic Electronic Instructor (Practical) | 37 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Desk Top Publisher Operator Instructor (Practical) | 1 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Plastic Processing Operator Instructor Theory | 6 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Plastic Processing/ Plastic Technology / Polymer/Plastic Mould and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Plastic Processing/ Plastic Technology / Polymer/Plastic Mould and 2 years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Electrician Instructor (Practical) | 108 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Tractor Mechanic Instructor (Theory) | 25 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Mechanical/Automobile/ Agriculture and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Mechanical/ Automobile/ Agriculture and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Craft Instructor (women) Fashion Technology (Theory) | 3 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor Degree in Apparel/Dress Design/ Garment Manufacturing/ Fashion Technology and one year experience OR Full time, regular mode Diploma in Apparel/Dress Design/ Garment Manufacturing/Fashion Technology and 2 year experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Tractor Mechanic Instructor (Practical) | 5 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Wireman Instructor (Practical) | 40 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Mechanic Computer Hardware Instructor (Theory) | 7 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Computer/Electronics and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Computer/Electronics/, Computer Hardware and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Mechanic Computer Hardware Instructor (Practical) | 12 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Mech. Refrigerator and Air Conditioning Instructor (Practical) | 43 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Desktop Publisher Operator (Theory) | 2 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Printing Technology and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Printing Technology and 2 years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Draughtsman Civil Instructor (Practical) | 45 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Draughtsman Mechanical Instructor(Theory) | 38 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Mechanical and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Mechanical and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Craft Instructor (women) cutting & Sewing (Theory) | 41 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor Degree in Apparel/ Dress Design/ Garment Manufacturing and one year experience OR Full time regular mode Diploma in Apparel/ Dress Design/ Garment Manufacturing and two year experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Draughtsman Mechanical Instructor (Practical) | 28 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Craft Stenography Hindi Instructor (Theory) | 30 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree with min 60% marks in Hindi subject with Diploma in Office Management and Computer Application (Hindi) or its equivalent and Shorthand at a speed of 80 wpm and 15 words per minute Transcriptions thereof and 30 word per minute in typing in Hindi | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Craft Stenography Hindi Instructor (Practical) | 12 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree with min 60% marks in Hindi subject with National Trade Certificate/National Apprenticeship Certificate in shorthand Hindi trade passed with min 70% marks and CITC in Steno Hindi and Shorthand at a speed of 80 wpm and 15 wpm Transcriptions thereof and 30 wpm in typing in Hindi | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Machinist Instructor (Theory | 73 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Mechanical/Production/ Industrial/Fabrication and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Mechanical/Production/Industrial/ Fabrication and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Craft Stenography English Instructor (Theory) | 31 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree with minimum 60% marks in English subject with Diploma in Office Management and Computer Application (English) or its equivalent and Shorthand at a speed of 100 wpm and 15 wpm transcription thereof and 40 wpm typing in English | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Craft Stenography English Instructor (Practical) | 21 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree with minimum 60% marks in English subject with National Trade Certificate/National Apprenticeship Certificate with minimum 70% marks and Shorthand at a speed of 100 wpm and 15 wpm transcription thereof and 40 wpm typing in English | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Machinist (Grinder) Instructor (Practical) | 2 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Craft Instructor Health Sanitary Inspector (Theory) | 6 | 17 – 42 yrs | BAMS OR Post Diploma in Health care with B.Sc. Degree OR Diploma in Public Health and Environmental or Environmental Engineering and 5 years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Craft Instructor Health Sanitary Inspector (Practical) | 6 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Machinist Grinder Instructor (Theory) | 7 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Mechanical/ Production/ Industrial/ Fabrication and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Mechanical/ Production/ Industrial/ Fabrication and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Litho Offset Machine Minder Instructor (Theory) | 3 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Printing Technology and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Printing Technology and 2 years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Tool & Die Maker (Dies & Moulds) Instructor | 11 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Mechanical/Production/Industrial/Mechanical (Tool & Dies Maker)and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Mechanical/Production/Industrial/Mechanical (Tool & Dies Maker) and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Hospitality Course Senior Instructor (Hospitality) | 3 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Hotel Management passed with minimum 55% marks OR Three year Diploma in Hotel Management passed with minimum 55% marks and 4 year Experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Tool & Die Maker (Dies & Moulds) Instructor | 5 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Food production Instructor (Theory) | 4 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Hotel Management passed with minimum 50% marks OR Three year Diploma in Hotel Management passed with minimum 55% marks and Two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Computer Networking and Hardware Technician | 1 | 17 – 42 yrs | Three years diploma in Computers/ Electronics Communication or its equivalent and 2 years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Craft Instructor (women) Hair & Skin Care (Practical) | 10 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Computer Operator | 5 | 17 – 42 yrs | Diploma in Computer Application/ Computer Science/ Computer Engineering or its equivalent OR Post Diploma in Computer Application/ Computer Engineering or its equivalent OR ‘O level’ course from DOEACC | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Junior Programmer | 2 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Computer Applications or Regular first division Master degree in Computer Application with first division and two years experience OR Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering / Computer Engineering/ Information Technology with first division and two years experience OR Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering/ Computer Science and Technology/ Information Technology with first division | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Craft Instructor (women)Fashion Technology | 4 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Plumber Instructor (Practical) | 28 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Mill Wright Mechanic (Electrical/ Electronics) Instructor (Practical) | 19 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Mill Wright Mechanic (Mechanical) Instructor | 44 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Group Instructor In-Charge (Women) / Group Instructor (Women) for TTC in Fashion Technology, Cutting and Sewing, Embroidery and Needle Work, Dress making | 10 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Apparel/Dress Design/Garment Manufacturing/Fashion Technology / Fashion Designing and two years experience OR Diploma in Apparel/Dress Design/Fashion Designing/Garment Manufacturing/Fashion Technology amd three year experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Group Instructor In-Charge (Women) / Group Instructor (Women) | 2 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor Degree in Beauty Culture/Beauty Culture and Hair Dressing and two years experience OR Diploma in Beauty Culture/ Beauty Culture and Hair Dressing and three years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Lab Attendant (Food Production, Food & Beverage Service) Instructor (Theory) | 4 | 17 – 42 yrs | Diploma in concerned trade from Food Craft Institute/Institute of Hotel Management and Five years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Painter General Instructor(Theory) | 38 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Paint Technology/ Master’s Degree in Painting and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Paint Technology / Surface Technology and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Mechanic Motor Vehicle Instructor(Theory) | 56 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Mechanical / Automobile and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Mechanical/ Automobile and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Information Technology and Electronics System Maintenance Instructor(Theory) | 1 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Electronics/ Electronics & Communications/ TeleCommunication Engineering and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Electronics/ Electronics & Communications/ Tele-Communication Engineering and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Mechanic Machine Tool maintenance Instructor(Theory) | 1 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Mechanical / Production /Industrial and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Mechanical / Production /Industrial and two years experience. | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Mechanic Motor Vehicle Instructor(Practical) | 25 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Information Technology and Electronics System Maintenance Instructor (Practical) | 3 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance Instructor (Practical) | 2 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Sheet Metal Worker Instructor (Theory) | 7 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Mechanical/ Metallurgical/ Production/ Industrial/ Fabrication and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Mechanical/ Metallurgical/ Production/ Industrial/ Fabrication and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Instrument Mechanic Instructor (Theory) | 8 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Instrumentation /Instrumentation & Control/Electronics & Instrumentation and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Instrumentation/Instrumentation & Control/Electronics & Instrumentation and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Craft Instructor (women)(Dress Making | 19 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor Degree in Apparel/ Dress Design/ Garment Manufacturing and one year experience OR Full time regular mode Diploma in Apparel/ Dress Design/ Garment Manufacturing and two year experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Mechanic Diesel Instructor(Theory) | 39 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Mechanical/Automobile and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Mechanical/Automobile and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Instrument Mechanic Instructor (Practical) | 4 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Craft Instructor (women)(Dress Making) (Practical) | 14 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Mechanic Diesel Instructor (Practical) | 19 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Mechanic Agriculture Machinery Instructor (Theory) | 5 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Mechanical/Agriculture and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Mechanical/Agriculture Engineering / Agriculture Technology and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Mechanic Consumer Electronics Instructor (Practical) | 12 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Mechanic Agriculture Machinery Instructor (Practical) | 3 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Craft Instructor (women) Hair & Skin Care(Theory) | 30 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor Degree in Beauty Culture/ Beauty Culture & Hair Dressing and one year experience OR Full time, regular mode Diploma in Beauty Culture / Beauty Culture & Hair Dressing and two year experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Interior Decoration and Designing Instructor (Theory) | 2 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Architecture / Civil / Interior Decoration & Designing and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Architecture / Civil / Interior Decoration & Designing and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Interior Decoration and Designing Instructor (Practical) | 1 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Craft Instructor (women) Computer Aided Embroidery (Theory) | 6 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor Degree in Apparel/Dress Design/ Garment Manufacturing/ Fashion technology and one year experience OR Full time, regular mode Diploma in Apparel/Dress Design/ Garment Manufacturing/Fashion Technology and two year experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Craft Instructor (women) Computer Aided Embroidery (Practical) | 6 | 17 – 42 yrs | ITI and 5 yrs experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Draughtsman Civil Instructor (Theory) | 58 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Architecture/Civil and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Architecture/ Civil and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Carpenter Instructor (Theory) | 61 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent in Architecture/Civil and one year experience OR Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in Architecture/Civil and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
Technical Assistant | 2 | 17 – 42 yrs | Bachelor Degree in Mechanical /Electrical /Civil / Electronics /Information Technology /Architecture/Computer and one year experience Or Diploma in Mechanical/ Electrical /Civil/Electronics/Information Technology/Architecture/Computer and two years experience | Rs 35400 – 112400 |
नोट :- कृपया अधिक सटीक जानकारी के लिए इस नौकरी के लिए प्रकाशित आधिकारिक Haryana Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2021-2022 HSSC भर्ती हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग भर्ती HSSC Vacancy 2021 HSSC Recruitment 2021 Haryana Staff Selection Commission Vacancy 2021 HSSC Bharti 2021 Notification जरूर देखें।
महत्वपूर्ण तिथियाँ (Important Dates):-
- नौकरी प्रकाशित होने की तिथि: 22-07-2019
- आवेदन शुरू होने की तिथि: 05-08-2019
- आवेदन करने के लिए अंतिम तिथि: 26-09-2019
- भुगतान शुल्क अंतिम तिथि: 30-09-2019
चयन प्रक्रिया (Selection in HSSC):-
इस Govt Job में written test में प्रदर्शन के अनुसार कैंडिडेट का सिलेक्शन होगा, The question-related to General Awareness, Reasoning, Maths, Science, Computer, English, Hindi, History, Current Affairs, Literature, Geography, Civics, Environment, and Culture, etc. of Haryana. चयन प्रक्रिया की सम्पूर्ण जानकारी के लिए नीचे Official Haryana Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2021-2022 HSSC भर्ती हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग भर्ती HSSC Vacancy 2021 HSSC Recruitment 2021 Haryana Staff Selection Commission Vacancy 2021 HSSC Bharti 2021 Notification जरूर चेक करें।
Salary Details (सैलरी कितनी मिलेगी):-
वेतनमान Rs. 35400 – 112400 रहेगा, कृपया सैलरी संबंधित अधिक जानकारी के लिए Haryana Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2021-2022 HSSC भर्ती हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग भर्ती HSSC Vacancy 2021 HSSC Recruitment 2021 Haryana Staff Selection Commission Vacancy 2021 HSSC Bharti 2021 Notification जरूर चेक करें l
आवेदन फीस (Application Fees):-
The application fee is Nil for PWD Candidates. Haryana Staff Selection Commission For other candidates, the fee as :
Category of post | SC/BC/EWS Male | SC/BC/EWS Female | Female Haryana | Other |
Cat. No. 1 to 71 & 73 to 97 | Rs 35/- | Rs 18/- | Rs 75/- | Rs 150/- |
Cat. No. 72 | Rs 25/- | Rs 13/- | Rs 50/- | Rs 100/- |
Haryana Staff Selection Commission The fee is to be paid online by the use of debit card/ credit card/ net banking, कृपया आवेदन फीस की सम्पूर्ण जानकारी के लिए जानकारियों के लिए प्रकाशित ऑफिशियल Haryana Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2021-2022 HSSC भर्ती हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग भर्ती HSSC Vacancy 2021 HSSC Recruitment 2021 Haryana Staff Selection Commission Vacancy 2021 HSSC Bharti 2021 Notification जरूर चेक करें।
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कृपया, इस Haryana Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2021-2022 HSSC भर्ती हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग भर्ती HSSC Vacancy 2021 HSSC Recruitment 2021 Haryana Staff Selection Commission Vacancy 2021 HSSC Bharti 2021 के जानकारी को अपने दोस्तों और साथ ही साथ अपने भाई-बहनों के साथ भी शेयर करें। एवं उनकी हेल्प करें एवं अन्य सरकारी भर्तियों (Sarkari Naukari), की जानकारी के लिए TechSingh123.com पर प्रतिदिन विजिट करें।
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