Jobs by State 2024 : State Wise Govt Jobs 2024 राज्यों के अनुसार सरकारी भर्तियां: राज्य सरकार के रोजगार पृष्ठ पर आपका स्वागत है, यहां हमने उन सभी राज्यों को सूचीबद्ध किया है जहां सरकारी नौकरियां प्रकाशित की जा रही हैं, कृपया संबंधित राज्य के नाम पर क्लिक करके अपना राज्य चुनें, आप संबंधित राज्य के पृष्ठ में प्रवेश करेंगे जहां आपको सूची मिलेगी नवीनतम सरकारी नौकरियां संबंधित राज्य की सरकार द्वारा प्रकाशित, आपको नौकरी के बारे में पूरी जानकारी देखने के लिए अपनी पसंदीदा नौकरी पर क्लिक करना होगा। कृपया इस पृष्ठ को बुकमार्क और साझा करना न भूलें।
Jobs by State Govt Jobs 2024 राज्यों के अनुसार सरकारी भर्तियां
Here you can easily search Latest Info about Government Jobs in Your concerned state inconvenient Manner. Choose the state to proceed with the latest Info about Sarkari Naukri 2024. Get all Jobs by State, State Government, and Union Territory jobs recruitment latest notifications here like APPSC, TNPSC, MPSC, MPPSC, UPPSC, KPSC, and other state jobs…
- Sarkari Naukri in Andhra Pradesh (आंध्र प्रदेश में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in Arunachal Pradesh (अरुणाचल प्रदेश में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in Assam (असम में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in Bihar (बिहार में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in Chhattisgarh (छत्तीसगढ़ में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in Delhi (दिल्ली में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in Goa (गोवा में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in Gujarat (गुजरात में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in Haryana (हरियाणा में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in Himachal Pradesh (हिमाचल प्रदेश में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in J&K (जम्मु और कशमीर में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in Jharkhand (झारखंड में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in Karnataka (कर्नाटक में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in Kerala (केरल में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in Maharashtra (महाराष्ट्र में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in Manipur (मणिपुर में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in Meghalya (मेघालय में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in Mizoram (मिजोरम में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in MP (मध्य प्रदेश में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in Nagaland (नागालैंड में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in Odisha (ओडिशा में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in Punjab (पंजाब में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in Rajasthan (राजस्थान में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in Sikkim (सिक्किम में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in Tamilnadu (तमिलनाडु में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in Telangana (तेलंगाना में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in Tripura (त्रिपुरा में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in UP (उत्तर प्रदेश में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in Union Territories (केंद्र शासित प्रदेशों में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in Uttarakhand (उत्तराखंड में सरकारी नौकरियां)
- Sarkari Naukri in West Bengal (पश्चिम बंगाल में सरकारी नौकरियां) provides Latest Sarkari Naukri (All the Latest Govt Jobs Like SSC, Railway, Bank, UPSC, Police, Army, Anganwadi Teaching, Airforce, Navy other Government Recruitments), Sarkari Jobs, Sarkari Results, Government Jobs notifications, Latest Vacancy, Latest Govt Jobs Recruitment updates, Admit Cards, Results.
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Govt Jobs By Qulaification |
D.Ed Jobs || BTC Jobs || D.El.Ed Jobs || ANM/ GNM Jobs |
BA/MA Jobs || BCom/ MCom Jobs || BCA/ MCA Jobs || BSc/ MSc Jobs |
BA B.Ed Jobs || B.Sc B.Ed Jobs || B.P.Ed Govt Jobs || B.EL.ED Jobs || B.Ed Jobs || MEd Jobs |
D.Pharm/ B.Pharm/ M.Pharm Jobs || BDS/BAMS/BHMS/BUMS/BVSc/BSMS/BNYS/Dentist Jobs |
MBA Jobs || ME/MTech/MSc Jobs || CA Jobs || Law Jobs | Advocate Jobs || LLB Job |
Apprentice Jobs || Driver Jobs || SBI Jobs || BEL Jobs || AIIMS Jobs |
विभाग द्वारा सरकारी नौकरियां
यह भी देखें:- State-wise Jobs or Qualification-wise Jobs
Note: आप सभी से निवेदन है कि इस गुजरात सरकारी जॉब लिंक को अपने दोस्तों को Whatsapp ग्रुप, फेसबुक या अन्य सोशल नेटवर्क पर अधिक से अधिक शेयर करें। आप के एक Share से किसी का फायदा हो सकता है। तो अधिक से अधिक लोगो तक Share करें। हर रोज इस वेबसाइट पर आप सभी को, सभी प्रकार की सरकारी नौकरी की जानकारी दिया जाता है। तो आप सभी प्रकार के Gujarat Government Jobs 2024 की जानकारी पाना चाहते हैं। तो इस वेबसाइट के साथ हमेशा जुड़े रहे हैं और यहां पर Daily Visit करें।
Jobs by State : राज्य सरकार नौकरियां भारत में 28 राज्य हैं, सभी राज्य विभिन्न सरकारी विभागों में विभिन्न सरकारी नौकरियों जैसे कि पुलिस, ट्रेजरी, आबकारी विभाग और कई अन्य सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के कमीशन नौकरियों को प्रकाशित करते हैं, विभिन्न राज्यों के विभिन्न नियम और कानून हैं। वेतनमान और ग्रेड पे भी सभी राज्यों के एक दूसरे से भिन्न हैं, कुछ राज्य अन्य राज्यों के उम्मीदवारों को अपने राज्य में काम करने की अनुमति दे सकते हैं।
यह पृष्ठ केवल विभिन्न राज्यों द्वारा प्रकाशित नौकरियों के लिए आसान पहुँच के उद्देश्य से बनाया गया है, यहाँ आप आसानी से उस राज्य के नाम पर क्लिक कर सकते हैं जिसे आप नई रिक्तियों के लिए देखना चाहते हैं, और आपको राज्य के विशिष्ट पृष्ठ पर उतारा जाएगा। आप जाना चाहते हैं और नवीनतम राज्य सरकार की नौकरियों को प्रकाशित कर सकेंगे। राज्यवार नौकरियों को हमारी वेबसाइट में सूचीबद्ध किया गया है और राज्यों का नाम इस पृष्ठ में दिया गया है और होम पेज में नवीनतम राज्यवार सरकार नौकरियों की जांच करें l
State Wise Govt Jobs 2024 राज्यों के अनुसार सरकारी भर्तियां
State-wise Government Jobs | Latest State Govt Jobs Notifications
State Govt. jobs have numerous benefits like good salary, job security, perks and bonuses, retirement life benefit, medical benefits, fixed working hours, availability of the decent amount of off-days, work-life balance, etc. hence, nowadays, most of the job seekers prefer government jobs over private jobs. Around 28 states and 8 Union Territories are available in India. In every state and UT, there will be many job opportunities available to job seekers. On this page,
we have provided important information about various government jobs across India. You can check the updated state government jobs recruitment notifications under various departments and also you can apply for posts which is suitable to your qualifications. Follow our page to get updates about the different Sarkari Exams of India.
State Government Jobs Notifications
The candidates who are looking for Government jobs in India can refer to this page. All the latest State Government job notifications are updated on this page immediately. Both Freshers and Experience candidates can explore a lot of State Government Jobs in India. Check this page frequently to obtain the latest and upcoming State Government jobs in India. The notifications for the Recruitment are released throughout the year on a daily basis. State Government jobs notifications are released in Newspaper Ads, Post Flyers, Brochures, and Internet Sites.
Various State Governments of India releases various notifications on a daily basis to recruit 10th Pass, 12th Pass, Degree Pass, ITI, Diploma, Master Degree passed candidates, to recruits thousands of candidates for various departments like Anganwadi, Agricultural, Defence (Army, Navy & Airforce), Police, SSC, UPSC, Teaching (KVS DSSB NVS, etc) Social Welfare, Industries, Rural Development, Finance Sector, Teaching, Human Resources Development, Urban Development and more.
Follow our page to get detailed information about all the latest vacancies in various Government Sectors. All the latest Recruitment Notifications, Admit Cards, Syllabus, Answer Keys, Results, and Previous Papers are updated on this page. Candidates who wish to apply for the State Government jobs can find all the information related to Recruitment Exam Dates, Vacancy, Eligibility Criteria, Selection Process, Application Procedure, Exam Pattern, etc. on this page. For More Updates on Recruitments follow our Free Job Alert age.
Candidates should meet the eligibility requirements to apply for Government jobs. The qualification for Government jobs may vary based on the job profile. The eligibility requirements of Government jobs include Academic Qualifications and Age limits. The interested contestants can apply for Government jobs from the 10th standard to Post Graduation. Because each department has different qualifications. Candidates are asked to check eligibility, pay scale, application procedure, online registration starting, and closing dates and etc. before going to apply for any Government jobs.
The Recruitment Board decides the qualification based on the job specifications. The age limit of candidates may change from post to post and category to category. The exact qualification details are available on that respective advertisement. The selection process for the recruitment will be decided by the particular State Government. On this page, we have provided a list of state-wise government jobs notifications. Check out the links given on this page to know more about particular state government recruitment and get all the related information.
Find below the links to the various State Govt Jobs, according to the states. Click on the links to see the latest upcoming State Govt Job Vacancies 2024.
Govt Jobs in Andhra Pradesh
The economy of Andhra Pradesh is the seventh-largest state economy in India and it ranks twentieth among Indian states in the human development index. Andhra Pradesh government releases notifications throughout the year for conducting various examinations recruit thousands of 10th pass, 12th Pass, Degree Pass, ITI, Diploma, Master Degree passed candidates. The jobs in the state government departments are categorized into four groups, Group1, Group2, Group3, and Group 4.
Some of the popular recruitment notifications released by the AP state government are APPSC Forest, AP DSC TET, AP Police, etc. Follow the link below to find all the important information on the latest government jobs in the state.
Govt Jobs in Arunachal Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh also called the orchid state of India, dawn-lit of the mountain lies in northeast India. The state is the largest of the North-Eastern states. digital literacy in Arunachal Pradesh is gradually improving with several plans and projects being initiated by both state and central government. The Government of Arunachal Pradesh also known as the State Government of Arunachal Pradesh, or locally as State Government, is the governing body of the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh and its 25 districts. It consists of an executive, led by the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh, a judiciary, and a legislative branch.
Arunachal Pradesh government releases notifications throughout the year for conducting various examinations recruit thousands of 10th pass, 12th Pass, Degree Pass, ITI, Diploma, Master Degree passed candidates. The jobs in the state government departments are categorized into four groups, Group1, Group2, Group3, and Group 4. Some of the popular recruitment notifications released by the AP state government are APPSC Forest, AP DSC TET, AP Police, etc. Follow the link below to find all the important information on the latest government jobs in the state.
Govt Jobs in Assam
The Recruitment Organization of Assam gives more and new government job opportunities to give employment to the eligible candidates. The Government of Assam recruits thousands of candidates for various departments like Railway, Defence, Agricultural, Pubic Sector, Teaching, Police, Social Welfare, Industrial, Finance Sector and more. Some of the popular recruitment notifications released in the state are Assam PSC Combined Competitive Examination, Assam Police SI Jobs, Assam TET Secondary and Higher Secondary, etc. Follow the link below to find all the important information on the latest government jobs in the state.
Govt Jobs in Bangalore
Bangalore, a demographically diverse city, is the second-fastest-growing major metropolis in India and has one of the most highly educated workforces in the world. The notifications for the government exams are released by the respective conducting authorities of the Karnataka State Government. The jobs in the state government departments are categorized into four groups, Group1, Group2, Group3,2 and Group 4. The candidates who wish to apply for the recruitment can find all the information related to Recruitment Exam Dates, Vacancy, Eligibility Criteria, Exam Pattern, Selection Process, Application Procedure, etc can check from the link provided below.
Govt Jobs in Bihar
The state government is making significant efforts in the development of the state and recruits thousands of candidates for various departments like Railway, Agricultural, Defence, Police, Social Welfare, Industries, Rural Development, Finance Sector, Teaching, Human Resources Development, Urban Development and more. Every year Bihar State Government releases various notifications on a daily basis to recruit 10th pass, 12th Pass, Degree Pass, ITI, Diploma, Master Degree passed candidates.
Some of the popular state government job notifications released by Bihar State Govt. are Bihar CCE, Bihar Assistant Professors, Bihar Police, Bihar TET, etc. Follow the link below to find all the important information on the latest government jobs in the state.
Govt Jobs in Chhattisgarh
Chhattisgarh is a resource-rich state and a source of electricity and steel for the country as well as a large contributor of coal. It is one of the fastest-developing states in India. The State Government of Chhattisgarh conducts a variety of recruitment exams in a year to recruit thousands of candidates for various departments like Railway, Agricultural, Defence, Police, Social Welfare, Industries, Rural Development, Finance Sector, Teaching, Human Resources Development, Urban Development and more.
Some of the important government job recruitment notifications released in the state are Chhattisgarh Police, Chhattisgarh PSC Posts, Chhattisgarh Engineering Services, Chhattisgarh Forest, and Chhattisgarh TET, etc. Follow the link below to find all the important information on the latest government jobs in the state.
Govt Jobs in Delhi
Delhi is the world’s second-largest urban area and the second-wealthiest city in India. Delhi ranks fifth among the Indian states and union territories in the human development index. Delhi has the second-highest GDP per capita in India. The Delhi Government recruits thousands of candidates or various departments like Railway, Agricultural, Defence, Police, Social Welfare, Industries, Rural Development, Finance Sector, Teaching, Human Resources Development, Urban Development, and more. Follow the link below to find all the important information on the latest government jobs in the state.
Govt Jobs in Goa
Goa State Government releases various notifications on a daily basis to recruit 10th pass, 12th Pass, Degree Pass, ITI, Diploma, Master Degree passed candidates. Goa ranks third in the human development index among the Indian states and its economy is the first-largest state economy in India. The official notifications for the recruitments are released by the Officials of the Goa Government. Some of the important government job recruitment notifications released by the state govt. are Goa Forest, Goa Civil Services, Goa Police, etc. On this page, you will find all the important information on the latest Goa government jobs.
Govt Jobs in Gujarat
Gujarat State Government releases various notifications on a daily basis to recruit 10th pass, 12th Pass, Degree Pass, ITI, Diploma, Master Degree passed candidates. Gujarat ranks fifteenth in the human development index among the Indian states and its economy is the fifth-largest state economy in India. The official notifications for the recruitments are released by the Officials of the Gujarat Government. Some of the important government job recruitment notifications released by the state govt. are Gujarat Forest, Gujarat Civil Services, Gujarat Police, etc. On this page, you will find all the important information on the latest government jobs.
Govt Jobs in Haryana
Haryana Government releases recruitment notifications to fill up the available vacant posts in various departments. Every year, lakhs of candidates get employed across the state of Haryana in multiple vacancies. Haryana has the fifth-highest per capita income in India and its GSDP is placed in the 13th position. Haryana ranks seventh among the Indian states in the human development index. The state government offers employment opportunities to freshers and experienced candidates every year.
Some of the important state government recruitment notifications released in the state are Haryana Police, Haryana Civil Services, Haryana Teachers, Haryana Forest, etc. Follow the link below to find all the important information on the latest government jobs in the state.
Govt Jobs in Himachal Pradesh
The government of Himachal Pradesh hires thousands of candidates for various departments such as Railway, Agriculture, Defense, Police, Social Welfare, Manufacturing, Rural Development, Banking, Education, Development of Human Resources, Urban Development, and more. Some of the important notifications released by the Himachal Pradesh recruitment commission are the Himachal Pradesh Administrative Combined Competitive Examination, HP Teacher Eligibility Test, HP Forest service exams, HP Police service exam, etc. Follow the link below to find all the important information on the latest government jobs in the state.
Govt Jobs in Jammu and Kashmir
Jammu and Kashmir are one of the largest recipients of grants from India. The economy of Jammu and Kashmir is predominantly dependent on agriculture and related activities. The government of Jammu and Kashmir will announce a huge number of vacancies annually. Some of the popular government job recruitment notifications released in the state are Jammu & Kashmir Combined Competitive Examination and Jammu & Kashmir Police, etc. Candidates who are looking for Government jobs in Jammu and Kashmir can follow the link below to find all the important information on the latest government jobs in the state.
Govt Jobs in Jharkhand
Jharkhand is one of the leading states in terms of economic growth in the country. The Jharkhand Service Commission carries out a lot of other work. The government of Jharkhand also hires thousands of candidates for various departments such as Railway, Agriculture, Defense, Police, Social Welfare, Manufacturing, Rural Development, Finance Sector, Education, Development of Human Resources, Urban Development, etc. Some of the popular government job recruitment notifications released by the Jharkhand state government are Jharkhand CCE, Jharkhand SSC, Jharkhand Police, Jharkhand TET, etc.
Follow the link below to find all the important information on the latest government jobs in the state.
Govt Jobs in Karnataka
The economy of Karnataka is the fourth-largest state economy in India and it ranks twelfth among Indian states in the human development index. The Karnataka State Government authorities publish several job notifications on a daily basis. Freshers, as well as experienced candidates, can explore a lot of government jobs under various government sectors.
The Karnataka State Government has its own recruitment agencies like the Central government of India. The jobs in the state government departments are categorized into four groups, Group1, Group2, Group3 and Group 4. Some of the popular government job recruit notifications released by the state are Karnataka Forest, Karnataka Police, etc. Follow the link below to find all the important information on the latest government jobs in the state.
Govt Jobs in Kerala
The economy of Kerala is the ninth largest state economy in India and it ranks first among Indian states in the human development index. The Kerala State Government authorities publish several job notifications on a daily basis. Freshers, as well as experienced candidates, can explore a lot of government jobs under various government sectors. The Kerala State Government has its own recruitment agencies like the Central government of India.
The jobs in the state government departments are categorized into four groups, Group1, Group2, Group3 and Group 4. Some of the popular government job recruit notifications released by the state are Kerala Forest, Kerala Police, etc. Follow the link below to find all the important information on the latest Kerala government jobs in the state.
Govt Jobs in Madhya Pradesh
Every year, the Madhya Pradesh government announces a large number of vacancies on a daily basis to recruit candidates who have passed 10th pass, 12th pass, Degree Pass, ITI, Diploma, Master Degree. The minimum age limit is usually 18 years, with a maximum age limit of 60 years to participate in recruitment drives. Some of the popular recruitment notifications released in the state are Madhya Pradesh Police, Madhya Pradesh Engineering Services, Madhya Pradesh Forest, MP State Services Exam, Madhya Pradesh TET, etc. Follow the link below to find all the important information on the latest government jobs in the state.
Govt Jobs in Maharashtra
Maharashtra is the wealthiest state by all major economic parameters and also the most industrialized state in India. The state continues to be the single largest contributor to the national economy. Maharashtra ranks ninth among Indian states in the human development index. Candidates who are looking for Maharashtra Government Jobs must fulfill the eligibility requirements for Maharashtra State Govt Jobs before submitting applications.
Generally, there are academic requirements and age limits as the eligibility criteria. On a daily basis, the government of Maharashtra State issues various notices to hire 10th pass, 12th pass, Degree Pass, ITI, Diploma, Master Degree passed candidates. Some of the important state government job notifications released in the state are Maharashtra State Service Exam, Maharashtra Police, and Maharashtra Teacher Eligibility Test, etc. Follow the link below to find all the important information on the latest government jobs in the state.
Govt Jobs in Noida
Noida is a planned city and ranked as the Best City in Housing in all of India and the Best City in Uttar Pradesh. To apply for Noida Govt recruitment, everyone should have the prescribed academic background such as 10th, 12th, Graduation, Post Graduation, MBA, MCA, BTech, etc. Generally, the maximum age limit will be 60 years, and the minimum is 18 years to participate in recruitment drives. Candidates who wish to apply for any government job in Noida through online or offline mode. The official notification is having the application mode and complete guidelines. Follow the link below to find all the important information on the latest government jobs in the state.
Govt Jobs In Punjab
The Punjab region is often referred to as the breadbasket in both India and Pakistan. The State Government of Punjab releases a huge number of State Govt Jobs vacancies for job seekers. some of the popular recruitment notifications released by the state government are Punjab Civil Service Combined Competitive Examination, Punjab State Teacher Eligibility Test (PSTET), Punjab Police Department, etc. On this page, we have provided a list of Government recruitments in Punjab.
The candidates who are willing to apply for the recruitment can find all the information related to Recruitment Exam Dates, Vacancy, Eligibility Criteria, Selection Process, Application Procedure, Exam Pattern, etc on this page.
Govt Jobs in Rajasthan
Rajasthan has the ninth-largest state economy in the country. The notification of State Govt Jobs recruitment by the Rajasthan govt is published in Newspaper Ads, Post Flyers, Brochures and Internet Sites throughout the year. The State Government of Rajasthan provides all the latest job openings to recruit 10th Pass, 12th Pass, Degree Pass, ITI, Diploma, Master Degree passed candidates. Some of the important recruitment notifications are Rajasthan RAS-RTS Examination, Rajasthan Police, Rajasthan Forest, Rajasthan TET, etc. The public service commission is responsible for these recruitment procedures. Follow the link below to find all the important information on the latest government jobs in the state.
Govt Jobs in Tamil Nadu
The State Government of Tamil Nadu has various State Govt Jobs departments such as Railway, Agricultural, Defence, Police, Social Welfare, Industries, Rural Development, Finance Sector, Teaching, Human Resources Development, Urban Development and more. TN has the second-largest state economy in India and the human development index is the sixth-highest among Indian states. Every year Tamil Nadu Government recruits thousands of candidates for various departments.
Some of the important competitive exams conducted by the TNPSC for recruitment of candidates are Group-I Services Examination, Group L-A Services Examination, Group L-B Services Examination, Combined Subordinate Services Examination, Group-IV Services Examination, Group II Services Examination, Group III Services Examination, Group V-A Services Examination, Group VI Service Examination, Group VII Service Examination, Group VIM Service Examination, etc. Follow the link below to find all the important information on the latest government jobs in the state.
Govt Jobs in Telangana
The government of Telangana invites applications to fill various State Govt Jobs posts and every year lakhs of students apply for it. The government of Telangana provides employment opportunities to experienced, freshers, and skilled students. All the candidates willing to apply for the given recruitments shall have to qualify all the eligibility criteria as laid by the Telengana Government. Some of the popular government job recruitment notifications released by the state govt. are TS- TET, TS Forest, TS Police, TSPSC Group- I, TSPSC Group- II, TSPSC Group- III, TSPSC Group- IV, etc.
Follow the link below to find all the important information on the latest government jobs in the state.
Govt Jobs In Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh Government releases notifications for recruiting eligible candidates to fill the vacant posts or positions through selection and deputation, for both freshers as well as experienced candidates. Some of the State Govt Jobs recruitment notifications released by the state government are Uttar Pradesh Police, UPPSC Combined Upper Subordinate, Uttar Pradesh Lower Subordinate Service, UP TET, etc. Follow the link below to find all the important information on the latest government jobs in the state.
Govt Jobs in Uttarakhand
Recruitment notifications are rolled out every now and then by the State Government of Uttarakhand to recruit candidates for various State Govt Jobs. Some of the important government job notifications released by the state are Uttarakhand Police, Uttarakhand Forest, Uttarakhand Group B, Group C&D, Uttarakhand Teachers Recruitment, etc. The recruitments are for both freshers and experienced candidates. Only eligible candidates are allowed to participate in a recruitment drive conducted by the Government of Uttarakhand, so candidates need to check their eligibility before placing an application.
Follow the link below to find all the important information on the latest government jobs in the state.
Govt Jobs in West Bengal
The government of West Bengal every year invites lakhs of students to fill applications for various State Govt Jobs posts. They conduct recruitment drives for both experienced and freshers. Each year numerous students compete in this highly Compatible environment to secure a Government Job. Some of the important government job notifications released by the state are WB Civil Service Executive Exam, WB Police, WB Teachers, WB SSC, WB Forest Recruitment notifications, etc. Follow the link below to find all the important information on the latest government jobs in the state.
Govt Jobs in UT/ Union Territory
The economy of 8 Union Territory is the Various Rank largest state economy in India and it ranks Various among Indian states in the human development index. Union Territory government releases notifications throughout the year for conducting various examinations recruit thousands of 10th pass, 12th Pass, Degree Pass, ITI, Diploma, Master Degree passed candidates. The jobs in the state government departments are categorized into four groups, Group1, Group2, Group3 and Group 4. Some of the popular recruitment notifications released by the Union Territory state government are Forest, TET, Police, etc.
Follow the link below to find all the important information on the latest Union Territory government jobs in the state.
The State Government of India offers great job opportunities for job seekers from a particular state. Never miss any State Govt Jobs level recruitments. From this page get all the notifications at the right time in various states before the last date. Follow our page for Upcoming Government Exams in 2024.
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