Ministry of Corporate Affairs Recruitment 2019 | CA/ Accountants/ Secretaries Posts

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Ministry of Corporate Affairs Recruitment 2019: Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) – National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) is going to fill up 10 vacancies of Chartered Accountants / Cost and Management Accountants/ Company Secretaries Posts. MCA is inviting offline application from eligible persons for above-said government jobs. Eligible peoples may send their prescribed application form along with all required testimonials to Secretary, National Financial Reporting Authority, New Delhi on or before the last date ends (i.e. 27.05.2019). The application format and job notification are activated at the Ministry of Corporate Affairs official website of

Ministry of Corporate Affairs Recruitment 2019 | CA/ Cost and Management Accountants/ Company Secretaries Posts | Total 10 Job Vacancies | Download MCA Application Form

Aspirants must have completed prescribed educational qualification and age limitations. The selection will be made on their performance in the interview. The selected candidates shall be engaged on a contractual basis only. The last date for the submission of the prescribed application is 27th May 2019. Incomplete and applications received after the closing date will be not considered. For more information about the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) Recruitment 2019, candidates may check the official website @

Details of Ministry of Corporate Affairs Recruitment Vacancy 2019:

Organization NameMinistry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) – National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA)
Employment CategoryCentral Government Job
Name of the PostChartered Accountants/ Cost and Management Accountants/ Company Secretaries
No. of Vacancies10
Pay ScaleRs. 40000/-
Ministry of Corporate Affairs Official

Eligibility Criteria for MCA Vacancy 2019:

Educational Qualification & Age Limitation

  • Check details of educational qualification and Age Limitation in Ministry of Corporate Affairs official website given below.

Selection Process

  • Interview.
  • Check more details of the selection process in the official job advertisement given below.

Mode of Application

  • Offline Mode.

Details of Postal Address:-

Secretary, National Financial Reporting Authority, 08th Floor, HT House, 18-20, KG Marg, New Delhi – 110001.

Important Dates

Closing Date for Submission of Offline Application Form27.05.2019

How to Apply for Ministry of Corporate Affairs Recruitment 2019 Vacancy:

  1. Go to Ministry of Corporate Affairs official website ->
  2. Find the correct MCA Job Vacancy notification and open it.
  3. Read the notification correctly to check your eligibility for the Ministry of Corporate Affairs Vacancy.
  4. Eligible candidates fill all mandatory details of the offline MCA Application form and attach necessary documents.
  5. Finally, send your application through offline mode till the last date.
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