Welcome to Techsingh123 – स्वागत है आपका India के No.1 मनपसंद सरकारी नौकरी की पूरी जानकारी देने वाले Study Channel “Techsingh123” में.

1. मैंने यह चैनल मेरे उन सभी दोस्तों के लिए बनाया है जो Government Jobs पाना चाहते हैं & जीने तरक्की पसंद हैं।
2. Website में आपको रोज़ान आप को रोजगार समाचार पेपर द्वारा के अनुसार हम सरकारी नौकरी का जानकारी देते हैं।
3. चैनल में आपको रोज़ान दो से तीन Sarkari Naukari Videos की पूरी जानकारी के साथ साथ आप के सारे सवालों का जवाब मिलता है।
4. We have covered job as per Qualification from 5th/ 8th/ 10th/ 12th/ ITI/ Diploma/ B.A/ Graduation/ post-graduation pass jobs etc.
We have covered
1. Latest Government jobs alerts, Sarkari Exam, Sarkari Results alerts
2. Weekly Government Employment news
3. Free Job Alerts for all Government Jobs
4. SSC Jobs: SSC CGL Jobs, SSC CHSL Jobs, SSC MTS Jobs & Results
5. Banking Jobs: RBI, IBPS, IBPS PO, SBI, Central & State Govt Bank Jobs
6. Defense Jobs like Indian Army, Navy, and Airforce
7. All kind of latest Police Jobs
8. India Teaching jobs
9. Anganwadi, WCD & Other Central and State Govt job.
10. Railways Jobs: Group-D, RRB NTPC, RRB ALP, RRB other Jobs
11. Free Study Materials: CTET, UPTET, REET, Railway, Bank, UPSC & Other
12. Current Affairs & GS: latest topics and provides government jobs aspirants with the best coverage of daily/ Weekly/ Monthly current affairs and GK etc.
13. Teaching jobs (KVS, DSSSB, NVS, PGT, TGT, PRT, Army School, Sainik School, Anganwadi, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan). 6. B.Ed./ BTC / B.Sc./ B.El.Ed/ D.El.Ed/ B.P.Ed/ DPE/ CTET/ SLET/ NET/ CSIR NET/ SET/ B.E/ B.Tech/ BAMS/ BHMS/ BCA/ BSW/ CA/ CAIIB/ LAW/ DM/ DNB any more Qualification related jobs.
About me:
Hello friends, Welcome to “Techsingh123”, I am an Engineer living in Mumbai, doing this as my Hobby, I post a new video on Govt Jobs, Technical and trick topics that create the most confusion. Please Like, Share & SUBSCRIBE your Youtube Channel “Techsingh123” I created my youtube channel & Website for providing the latest Govt Jobs first because I am making videos on people request but many people have suggested me for starting it, my motive behind creating this website was to make Easy to Get latest Govt Jobs updated in Hindi, English and I wanted each and every Individual whoever is interested in Govt Jobs Get updated in the easiest possible way.
- Contact – [email protected]
- YouTube channel- www.youtube.com/techsingh123
Thanks & Regard
Roshani Sarkari Groups.
provides Latest Sarkari Naukri (All the Latest Govt Jobs Like SSC, Railway, Bank, UPSC, Police, Army, Anganwadi Teaching, Airforce, Navy other Government Recruitments), Sarkari Jobs, Sarkari Results, Government Jobs notifications, Latest Vacancy, Latest Govt Jobs Recruitment updates, Admit Cards, Results.
Daily Video Jobs Updates are also provided on YouTube so Subscribe Now TechSingh123 study channel
यह भी देखें:- State-wise Jobs or Qualification-wise Jobs
Disclaimer: TechSingh123.com is Not Any Government Entity, It Is Only For the Latest Government Jobs Update, Free Study Materials & other Educational Updates, etc.
About US
We are not the Government Organization and not linked in any way with the Government. We just provide information gathered from various trusted sources and from several Government organizations that are available in the public domain. All the content provided here is only for educational and informational purposes to the users. Application is not affiliated with any Government services or person. All the Readers please also check details on the Original website before taking any decision. Here we are not responsible for any Inadvertent Error that may have crept in the information being published on this Website and for any loss to anybody or anything caused by any Shortcoming, Defect, or Inaccuracy of the Information on this Application.
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Govt Jobs By Qulaification |
D.Ed Jobs || BTC Jobs || D.El.Ed Jobs || ANM/ GNM Jobs |
BA/MA Jobs || BCom/ MCom Jobs || BCA/ MCA Jobs || BSc/ MSc Jobs |
BA B.Ed Jobs || B.Sc B.Ed Jobs || B.P.Ed Govt Jobs || B.EL.ED Jobs || B.Ed Jobs || MEd Jobs |
D.Pharm/ B.Pharm/ M.Pharm Jobs || BDS/BAMS/BHMS/BUMS/BVSc/BSMS/BNYS/Dentist Jobs |
MBA Jobs || ME/MTech/MSc Jobs || CA Jobs || Law Jobs | Advocate Jobs || LLB Job |
Apprentice Jobs || Driver Jobs || SBI Jobs || BEL Jobs || AIIMS Jobs |